id | SC | TP | Cg | Candidates |
2 | 1 | 5 | 0 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
10 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
6 | 2 | 4 | 11 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
7 | 2 | 11 | 16 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
5 | 3 | 2 | 20 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
11 | 3 | 9 | 19 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
13 | 4 | 3 | 16 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
9 | 5 | 13 | 25 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
8 | 6 | 8 | 20 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
12 | 7 | 12 | 29 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
3 | 8 | 6 | 28 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
0 | 9 | 14 | 28 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
1 | 10 | 10 | 29 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
4 | 11 | 7 | 38 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
rank | 0 |
0 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
1 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
2 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
rank | 1 |
0 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
1 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
2 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
3 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
4 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
5 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
rank | 2 |
0 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
rank | 3 |
0 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
1 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
2 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
3 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
rank | 4 |
0 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
1 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
2 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
3 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
rank | 5 |
0 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
1 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
2 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
rank | 6 |
0 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
1 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
2 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
3 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
4 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
5 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
6 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
7 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
8 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
9 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
10 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
11 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
12 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
13 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
rank | 7 |
0 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
1 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
2 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
3 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
4 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
5 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
6 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
7 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
8 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
9 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
10 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
11 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
rank | 8 |
0 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
1 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
2 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
3 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
4 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
5 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
6 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
7 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
8 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
9 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
10 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
rank | 9 |
0 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
rank | 10 |
0 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
1 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
rank | 11 |
0 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
1 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
2 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
3 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
4 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
rank | 12 |
0 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
1 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
2 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
3 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
4 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
5 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
6 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
7 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
8 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
9 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
10 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
11 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
12 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
rank | 13 |
0 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
1 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
2 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
3 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
rank | 14 |
0 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
1 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
2 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
3 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
4 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
5 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
6 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
7 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
8 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
9 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
10 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
11 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
12 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
13 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
rank | 15 |
0 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
1 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
2 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
3 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
4 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
5 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
6 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
7 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
8 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
9 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
10 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
11 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
12 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
13 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
rank | 16 |
0 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
1 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
rank | 17 |
0 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
1 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
2 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
3 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
4 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
rank | 18 |
0 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
1 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
2 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
3 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
rank | 19 |
0 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
1 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
2 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
3 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
4 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
rank | 20 |
0 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
1 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
2 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
rank | 21 |
0 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
1 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
2 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
3 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
4 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
5 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
6 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
7 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
8 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
rank | 22 |
0 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
1 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
2 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
3 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
4 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
5 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
6 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
7 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
8 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
rank | 23 |
0 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
1 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
2 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
3 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
4 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
5 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
6 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
7 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
8 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
9 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
10 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
11 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
12 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
13 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
rank | 24 |
0 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
1 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
2 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
rank | 25 |
0 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
1 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
2 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
3 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
4 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
5 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
6 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
7 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
8 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
9 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
rank | 26 |
0 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
rank | 27 |
0 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
1 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
2 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
rank | 28 |
0 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
rank | 29 |
0 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
1 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
rank | 30 |
0 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
1 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
2 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
3 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
4 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
rank | 31 |
0 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
1 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
2 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
3 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
rank | 32 |
0 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
1 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
rank | 33 |
0 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
1 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
2 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
rank | 34 |
0 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
1 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
2 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
3 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
4 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
5 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
6 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
7 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
rank | 35 |
0 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
1 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
2 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
3 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
4 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
5 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
6 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
7 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
8 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
9 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
10 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
rank | 36 |
0 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
1 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
2 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
3 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
rank | 37 |
0 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
1 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
rank | 38 |
0 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
1 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
2 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
3 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
rank | 39 |
0 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
1 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
2 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
3 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
4 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
5 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
6 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
7 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
8 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
9 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
10 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
11 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
12 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
13 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
rank | 40 |
0 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
1 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
2 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
3 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
4 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
rank | 41 |
0 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
1 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
2 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
3 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
4 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
5 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
6 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
7 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
8 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
9 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
10 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
11 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
12 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
13 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
rank | 42 |
0 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
1 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
2 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
3 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
rank | 43 |
rank | 44 |
0 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
1 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
2 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
3 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
rank | 45 |
0 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
1 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
2 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
3 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
rank | 46 |
0 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
1 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
2 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
3 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
4 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
5 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
rank | 47 |
0 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
1 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
2 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
3 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
4 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
5 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
6 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
7 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
8 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
9 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
10 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
rank | 48 |
0 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
1 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
rank | 49 |
0 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
1 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
2 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
3 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
4 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
5 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
6 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
7 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
8 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
9 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
10 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
11 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
12 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
rank | 50 |
0 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
1 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
2 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
3 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
4 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
5 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
6 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
rank | 51 |
0 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
1 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
2 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
3 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
4 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
rank | 52 |
0 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
1 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
2 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
3 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
4 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
rank | 53 |
0 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
1 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
2 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
3 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
4 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
5 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
6 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
7 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
8 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
9 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
10 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
11 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
12 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
13 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
rank | 54 |
0 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
1 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
2 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
3 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
rank | 55 |
0 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
1 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
2 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
3 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
4 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
5 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
6 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
rank | 56 |
0 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
1 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
2 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
3 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
4 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
5 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
rank | 57 |
0 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
1 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
2 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
3 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
4 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
5 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
rank | 58 |
0 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
1 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
2 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
3 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
4 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
5 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
6 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
7 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
8 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
9 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
10 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
11 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
12 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
rank | 59 |
0 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
rank | 60 |
0 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
1 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
2 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
3 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
4 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
rank | 61 |
0 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
1 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
2 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
3 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
4 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
5 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
6 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
7 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
rank | 62 |
0 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
1 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
2 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
3 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
rank | 63 |
0 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
1 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
2 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
rank | 64 |
0 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
1 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
2 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
3 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
4 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
rank | 65 |
0 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
1 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
2 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
rank | 66 |
0 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
1 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
2 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
rank | 67 |
0 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
rank | 68 |
0 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
1 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
rank | 69 |
0 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
1 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
2 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
rank | 70 |
0 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
1 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
2 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
3 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
4 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
5 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
6 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
7 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
8 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
9 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
10 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
11 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
12 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
13 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
rank | 71 |
0 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
1 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
2 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
3 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
4 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
rank | 72 |
0 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
rank | 73 |
0 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
1 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
2 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
3 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
4 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
5 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
6 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
7 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
8 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
9 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
rank | 74 |
0 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
1 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
rank | 75 |
0 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
rank | 76 |
0 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
1 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
2 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
rank | 77 |
0 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
1 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
2 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
3 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
4 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
5 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
rank | 78 |
0 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
1 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
rank | 79 |
0 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
1 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
2 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
3 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
4 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
5 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
6 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
7 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
8 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
9 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
10 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
11 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
12 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
13 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
rank | 80 |
0 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
1 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
2 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
3 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
4 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
5 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
rank | 81 |
rank | 82 |
0 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
1 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
2 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
rank | 83 |
rank | 84 |
0 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
1 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
2 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
rank | 85 |
0 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
1 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
rank | 86 |
0 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
rank | 87 |
0 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
1 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
2 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
3 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
4 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
5 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
6 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
7 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
8 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
9 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
10 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
11 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
12 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
13 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
rank | 88 |
0 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
1 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
2 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
rank | 89 |
0 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
1 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
2 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
3 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
4 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
rank | 90 |
0 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
1 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
rank | 91 |
0 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
1 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
2 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
3 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
4 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
5 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
6 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
7 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
8 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
9 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
10 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
11 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
12 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
13 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
rank | 92 |
0 | Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop |
1 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
2 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
3 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
4 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
5 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |
6 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
7 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
8 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
9 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
10 | Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties |
11 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
12 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
rank | 93 |
0 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
1 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
2 | Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from) |
3 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
rank | 94 |
0 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
1 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
2 | A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him. |
3 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
4 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
5 | The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience |
rank | 95 |
0 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
rank | 96 |
rank | 97 |
0 | Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book |
1 | Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable |
2 | Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine. |
3 | Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows. |
4 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
5 | "The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs. |
6 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
7 | An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace. |
rank | 98 |
0 | Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well. |
rank | 99 |
0 | Archmage Maeve (Cutemage) |
1 | Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre |