2017-06-25 20:42:53 Round (2/4) [14 options] [Quality of methods: SC = 23%; TP = 12%; Cg = 22%; 100 ballots, 5 minutes]
2150Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
10110Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
62411Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
721116Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
53220A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
113919Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
134316Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
951325The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
86820Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
1271229"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
38628An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
091428Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
1101029Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
411738Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties


0Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
1Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
2Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
0An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
1Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
2Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
3Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
4Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
5Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
0Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
0A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
1Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
2Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
3The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
0Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
1Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
2"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
3Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
0Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
1Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
2Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
0Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
1Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
2Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
3"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
4Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
5Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
6The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
7An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
8Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
9Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
10Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
11A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
12Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
13Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
0Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
1Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
2Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
3Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
4The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
5Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
6Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
7Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
8"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
9A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
10Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
11Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
0Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
1A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
2"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
3Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
4Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
5Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
6The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
7Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
8Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
9Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
10Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
0An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
0"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
1Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
0Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
1Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
2Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
3Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
4Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
0Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
1Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
2A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
3Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
4Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
5Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
6"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
7The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
8Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
9Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
10Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
11Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
12Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
0A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
1Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
2Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
3An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
0An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
1Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
2A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
3Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
4Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
5Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
6Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
7Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
8Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
9"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
10Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
11Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
12Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
13The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
0Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
1Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
2Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
3Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
4A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
5The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
6Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
7"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
8An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
9Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
10Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
11Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
12Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
13Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
0Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
1Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
0Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
1Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
2Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
3The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
4Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
0An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
1Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
2Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
3Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
0A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
1Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
2Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
3Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
4Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
0Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
1Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
2Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
0Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
1Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
2Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
3An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
4Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
5Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
6Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
7"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
8Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
0"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
1Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
2A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
3Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
4Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
5The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
6Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
7Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
8Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
0Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
1An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
2Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
3Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
4The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
5Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
6Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
7A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
8Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
9"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
10Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
11Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
12Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
13Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
0An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
1A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
2Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
0An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
1Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
2Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
3Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
4Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
5Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
6Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
7Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
8Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
9Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
0A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
0Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
1Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
2Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
0The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
0Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
1"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
0Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
1An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
2Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
3Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
4A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
0Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
1Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
2Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
3The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
0Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
1The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
0Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
1Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
2Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
0A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
1Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
2"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
3The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
4Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
5Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
6Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
7Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
0Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
1An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
2A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
3Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
4Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
5Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
6Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
7Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
8Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
9"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
10Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
0Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
1Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
2Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
3The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
0Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
1Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
0Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
1Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
2Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
3Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
0Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
1A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
2Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
3Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
4Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
5Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
6The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
7"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
8Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
9Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
10Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
11Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
12Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
13An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
0Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
1Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
2Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
3Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
4The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
0The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
1Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
2Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
3A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
4Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
5Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
6Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
7Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
8Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
9Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
10Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
11"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
12Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
13An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
0Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
1Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
2The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
3Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
0Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
1The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
2Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
3Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
0An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
1Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
2Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
3Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
0Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
1Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
2Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
3Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
4Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
5Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
0Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
1A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
2"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
3Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
4Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
5Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
6Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
7An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
8Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
9Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
10Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
0Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
1A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
0An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
1"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
2Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
3Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
4Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
5A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
6Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
7Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
8Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
9Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
10Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
11The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
12Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
0Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
1Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
2Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
3The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
4Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
5Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
6Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
0Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
1Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
2Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
3Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
4An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
0Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
1Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
2Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
3Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
4Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
0Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
1The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
2Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
3Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
4Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
5Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
6A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
7"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
8Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
9Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
10An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
11Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
12Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
13Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
0Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
1Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
2Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
3The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
0Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
1Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
2Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
3Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
4The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
5"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
6Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
0Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
1A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
2Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
3The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
4Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
5An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
0Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
1Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
2Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
3Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
4The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
5Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
0Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
1Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
2Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
3The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
4"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
5Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
6Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
7Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
8Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
9Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
10A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
11Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
12Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
0Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
0Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
1Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
2Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
3Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
4Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
0Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
1Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
2The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
3"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
4Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
5Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
6Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
7Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
0Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
1The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
2Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
3Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
0Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
1Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
2Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
0Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
1The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
2Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
3A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
4Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
0Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
1Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
2Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
0A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
1An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
2Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
0Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
0Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
1Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
0A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
1Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
2The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
0Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
1Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
2A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
3The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
4Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
5Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
6Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
7Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
8Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
9"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
10Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
11Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
12Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
13An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
0Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
1Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
2Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
3Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
4Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
0Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
0Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
1The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
2Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
3An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
4Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
5Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
6Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
7Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
8Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
9Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
0Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
1Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
0A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
0Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
1Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
2Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
0Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
1Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
2Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
3The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
4Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
5Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
0Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
1An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
0"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
1Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
2Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
3Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
4Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
5An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
6Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
7Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
8A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
9Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
10Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
11Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
12Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
13The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
0A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
1Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
2Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
3Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
4The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
5"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
0A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
1Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
2Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
0Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
1Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
2"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
0A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
1Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
0Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
0An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
1Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
2Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
3Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
4"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
5A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
6Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
7Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
8Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
9Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
10Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
11The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
12Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
13Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
0An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
1Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
2"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
0Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
1Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
2Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
3"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
4Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
0Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
1Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
0Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
1Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
2Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
3Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
4"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
5Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
6The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
7An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
8Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
9A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
10Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
11Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
12Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
13Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
0Maddie as Ed from Cowboy Bebop
1Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
2Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
3Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
4Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
5Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre
6Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
7Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
8Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
9A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
10Flora dressed as Eris from Cat Planet Cuties
11"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
12The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
0Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
1The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
2Eversummer dreams cover (A cover of the comic idea that Raine came from)
3Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
0Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
1Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
2A young Keith proposes to young Laura on the beach where Laura first discovered him.
3Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
4Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
5The set of Twokinds as a show on tv with a live studio audience
0Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
0Archmage Eric of the inappropriate spell book
1Natani wearing a Keith onsie would be adorable
2Princess Clovis split into fully fox and fully wolf halves. Possibly the former encouraging the latter to be more feminine.
3Flora builds a pillow fort/cave and resting in it, while scaring Trace or Keith and Nat looking for their pillows.
4Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
5"The Basitin Apprentice" Keith takes Basitin Trace under his wing and teaches Trace his customs.
6Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
7An older Madelyn and Keith enjoying a romantic dinner in front of a fireplace. On the mantle, an urn with Natani's mana necklace.
0Original tuxedo cat Flora meets tiger Flora, who is upset that her chest size wasn't redesigned as well.
0Archmage Maeve (Cutemage)
1Raine and her mother escape thanks to Euchre