2017-09-18 00:20:58 Round [Quality of methods: SC = 23%; TP = 17%; Cg = 22%; 99 ballots, 5 minutes]
0110A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
721316Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
63314TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
34415Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
125217Natani and Zen on their first mission.
46519Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
861124Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
57730Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
118821techbasitin Maddie
1381426Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
991023Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
1010929Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
1111231Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
212633Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
15131640Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
14141537Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)


0Natani and Zen on their first mission.
1Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
2Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
3TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
4Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
5Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
0TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
1A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
2Natani and Zen on their first mission.
3Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
4Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
5Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
0A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
1techbasitin Maddie
2Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
3Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
0techbasitin Maddie
1A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
2Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
3Natani and Zen on their first mission.
4Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
5Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
0Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
1Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
2techbasitin Maddie
3Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
4Natani and Zen on their first mission.
5A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
6Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
7TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
0Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
1A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
0Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
1Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
2Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
3Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
4Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
5A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
6TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
7Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
8Natani and Zen on their first mission.
9Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
0Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
0Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
1A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
2Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
0techbasitin Maddie
1Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
2Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
0TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
1Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
2Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
3Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
0Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
1Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
2Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
3Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
4Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
5A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
6Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
7Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
8TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
9Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
10Natani and Zen on their first mission.
11techbasitin Maddie
12Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
13Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
14Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
15Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
0Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
1Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
2Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
3Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
4Natani and Zen on their first mission.
5A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
6Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
7TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
8Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
9Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
10Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
11techbasitin Maddie
12Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
13Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
14Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
15Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
0Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
1Natani and Zen on their first mission.
2Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
3A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
4Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
5Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
6Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
0Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
1Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
2techbasitin Maddie
3A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
4Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
5Natani and Zen on their first mission.
6Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
7Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
8Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
9Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
10Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
0Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
1TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
2techbasitin Maddie
3Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
4Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
5Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
6Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
7Natani and Zen on their first mission.
8Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
9Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
10A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
11Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
12Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
13Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
14Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
15Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
0TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
1Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
2Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
3Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
4Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
5Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
6Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
7Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
0A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
1Natani and Zen on their first mission.
2TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
3Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
4Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
5Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
6Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
7Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
0Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
1Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
2TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
3Natani and Zen on their first mission.
4Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
5Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
6Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
7techbasitin Maddie
8Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
0A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
1Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
2Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
3Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
4Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
5Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
6Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
7Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
8Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
9Natani and Zen on their first mission.
10Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
11techbasitin Maddie
12TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
13Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
14Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
15Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
0Natani and Zen on their first mission.
1Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
2Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
3A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
4Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
5Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
6Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
7Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
0Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
1Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
2Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
3Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
4A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
5Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
6Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
7Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
8Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
9Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
10Natani and Zen on their first mission.
0Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
1Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
2Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
3Natani and Zen on their first mission.
4A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
5Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
6Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
7techbasitin Maddie
8TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
9Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
10Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
11Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
12Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
0Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
0Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
1Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
0Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
1A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
2Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
3Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
4Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
5Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
6Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
7Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
8Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
9Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
10Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
11techbasitin Maddie
12Natani and Zen on their first mission.
13Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
14Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
15TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
0Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
1TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
2Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
0techbasitin Maddie
1A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
0Natani and Zen on their first mission.
1techbasitin Maddie
2A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
3TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
4Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
5Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
6Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
7Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
0A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
1Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
2Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
3Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
4Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
5Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
6Natani and Zen on their first mission.
0Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
1Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
0Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
1Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
2Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
0A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
1Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
2Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
3Natani and Zen on their first mission.
4techbasitin Maddie
5TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
6Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
7Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
8Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
9Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
10Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
11Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
12Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
0Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
1Natani and Zen on their first mission.
2Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
3Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
0A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
1Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
2Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
0Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
1Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
2Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
3Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
0Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
1A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
2TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
3Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
0Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
1Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
2Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
3Natani and Zen on their first mission.
4TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
5Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
6Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
7Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
8Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
9Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
10techbasitin Maddie
11Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
0TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
0Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
1Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
2Natani and Zen on their first mission.
3Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
4Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
5Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
0techbasitin Maddie
1A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
2Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
3Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
4Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
0Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
1Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
2Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
3Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
4Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
5Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
0TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
1Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
2A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
0Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
1Natani and Zen on their first mission.
2Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
0Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
1A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
2Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
3TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
4Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
5Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
0TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
1Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
2A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
3techbasitin Maddie
0Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
1Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
2A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
3Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
4Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
5Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
6TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
7Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
8Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
9Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
10Natani and Zen on their first mission.
11Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
12Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
13techbasitin Maddie
14Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
15Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
0Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
1Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
2Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
3Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
4Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
5A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
6Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
7Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
8techbasitin Maddie
9TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
10Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
11Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
12Natani and Zen on their first mission.
13Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
14Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
15Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
0Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
1Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
2Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
3Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
4Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
5Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
6Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
7TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
8Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
0Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
1A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
0Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
1Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
2A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
3Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
4Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
5Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
6Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
7Natani and Zen on their first mission.
8Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
9Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
0Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
1Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
2Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
3Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
4Natani and Zen on their first mission.
5TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
6Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
7Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
8Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
9Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
10Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
11Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
12A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
13Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
14Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
15techbasitin Maddie
0Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
1Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
2A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
3Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
4Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
5Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
6Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
7Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
8Natani and Zen on their first mission.
9Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
10Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
11Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
12TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
13techbasitin Maddie
14Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
15Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
0Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
1techbasitin Maddie
2TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
0Natani and Zen on their first mission.
1techbasitin Maddie
2TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
3Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
4A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
5Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
6Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
7Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
8Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
9Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
10Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
11Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
12Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
13Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
14Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
15Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
0Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
1Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
2A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
3TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
0Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
1Natani and Zen on their first mission.
2Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
3Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
4techbasitin Maddie
5TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
6Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
7Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
8Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
9Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
10Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
11Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
0Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
1Natani and Zen on their first mission.
2Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
3Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
4Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
5Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
6Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
7Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
0Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
1Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
2TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
3Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
4A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
5Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
6Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
0Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
1A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
2Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
0Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
1Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
2Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
3Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
4Natani and Zen on their first mission.
5Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
6Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
0Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
1Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
2Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
3Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
4TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
5Natani and Zen on their first mission.
0Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
1Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
2Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
3Natani and Zen on their first mission.
4Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
5Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
6Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
0Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
1Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
2Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
3Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
4Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
0A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
1Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
2Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
3Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
4Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
5Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
6techbasitin Maddie
7TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
8Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
9Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
10Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
11Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
12Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
13Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
14Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
15Natani and Zen on their first mission.
0Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
1Natani and Zen on their first mission.
0Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
1A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
2TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
3Natani and Zen on their first mission.
4Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
0Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
1A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
2techbasitin Maddie
3Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
0Natani and Zen on their first mission.
1TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
2techbasitin Maddie
3Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
4Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
5Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
6Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
7Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
8Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
9Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
10Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
11Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
12Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
13Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
14A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
15Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
0Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
1Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
2Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
3TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
0Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
1Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
2Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
3Natani and Zen on their first mission.
4techbasitin Maddie
0Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
1Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
2A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
3Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
4Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
5Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
6Natani and Zen on their first mission.
7Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
8Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
9Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
10TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
11Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
12Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
13techbasitin Maddie
14Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
15Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
0Natani and Zen on their first mission.
1Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
2Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
3TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
4techbasitin Maddie
5Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
6Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
0Natani and Zen on their first mission.
1A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
2techbasitin Maddie
3Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
4Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
0Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
1Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
2Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
3Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
4TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
5A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
0Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
1TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
0Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
0Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
1Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
2Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
3Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
4Natani and Zen on their first mission.
5Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
0A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
1Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
2Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
3Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
4TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
5Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
0A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
1Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
2Natani and Zen on their first mission.
3techbasitin Maddie
4Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
5Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
6Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
7Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
8Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
9Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
10Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
11Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
12Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
13Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
14Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
15TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
0Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
1Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
2Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
3Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
4Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
5TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
0techbasitin Maddie
1Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
2A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
3Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
0Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
1A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
2techbasitin Maddie
3Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
4Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
0Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
1techbasitin Maddie
2TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
3A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
4Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
5Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
6Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
7Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
8Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
9Natani and Zen on their first mission.
0TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
1techbasitin Maddie
2A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
3Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
4Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
5Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
6Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
7Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
8Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
9Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
0A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
1Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
2Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
0Natani and Zen on their first mission.
1Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
2A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
3techbasitin Maddie
4Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
5Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
6Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
7TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
0Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
1Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
2Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
0Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
1Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
2techbasitin Maddie
3TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
4Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
5Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
6Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
7Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
8Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
0TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
1techbasitin Maddie
2Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
3Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
0TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
1Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
2Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
3Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
4Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
0Natani and Zen on their first mission.
0TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
1Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
2techbasitin Maddie
3Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
4Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
5Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
6Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
7Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
8A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
9Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
10Red turned into a canine Keidran and (tummy rub, scratched behind the ear, etc.) where one of his legs kicks.
11Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
12Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
13Natani and Zen on their first mission.
14Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
15Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
0A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
1Zen and Natani vs Daud and Billie Lurk (TwoKinds vs Dishonored)
2techbasitin Maddie
3Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
4Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
5Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
6Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
7TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
8Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
0Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
1Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
2Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
3Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
4TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
5techbasitin Maddie
6Summertime Kathrin - Kathrin enjoys the last of the summer sun in a pretty summer dress
7Trigun cosplay trace as vash the stampede , flora as meryl stryfe, keith as wolfwood, and natani as milly thompson.
0A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
1Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
2Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table
3Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
4Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
5TechWolfie Raine, maybe hunting down a bug or virus.
6Lt Alice Reed having a night off at the Edinmire tavern.
7Natani and Zen on their first mission.
0Keith and Natani brushing their teeth in the morning. Pajamas, nightcap, sleepy wolf, sunlight streaming in.
1Minikinds - Flora's Haircut
2A Human family adopts a stray puppy only to find out years later it was a Keidran dog
3Natani and Zen on their first mission.
4Natani as Widowmaker from Overwatch
5Archmage Rose and Young Euchre in a friendly magic duel
6Kathrin tries on some of her handywork in front of a mirror.
7Keith teaching Natani and Kat some Basitin moves then fail (Kat does a derp)
8Girls night at Riftwall Raine drinks Maren under the table