2017-10-16 22:42:14 Round 5 [Quality of methods: SC = 23%; TP = 18%; Cg = 21%; 115 ballots, 5 minutes]
10110Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
2224Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
163317Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
9459Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
85618A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
661224Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
17718Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
1471020Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
78417Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
1291727"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
0101636Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
510933Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
3111136Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
11111531Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
15121334Seraphina, punk rock star!
1712833"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
4131434Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
13141843Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.


0"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
1Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
2Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
3Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
0"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
0Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
1Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
2Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
3Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
4Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
5Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
6"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
7A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
8Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
9Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
0A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
0Seraphina, punk rock star!
1Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
2Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
3Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
4A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
5Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
6Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
7Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
0Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
1Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
2Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
3Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
4Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
5Seraphina, punk rock star!
6Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
7"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
8Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
9A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
10Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
11Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
12Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
13Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
14Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
15Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
16Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
17"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
0"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
0Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
0Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
1Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
2Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
3Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
4Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
5"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
6Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
7A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
8Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
9Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
10Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
11Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
12Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
13Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
14Seraphina, punk rock star!
15Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
16"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
17Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
0Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
1Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
2Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
3"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
4"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
5Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
6Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
7Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
8Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
9Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
10Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
11Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
12Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
13A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
14Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
15Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
16Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
17Seraphina, punk rock star!
0Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
1Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
0Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
1Seraphina, punk rock star!
2Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
3Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
0Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
1Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
2Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
3Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
4Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
0Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
1"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
2Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
3A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
0Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
0Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
1"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
2Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
3Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
4Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
5A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
6Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
7Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
8Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
9Seraphina, punk rock star!
10Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
11"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
12Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
13Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
0"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
1Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
2Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
3Seraphina, punk rock star!
4Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
5Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
6Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
7A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
8Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
9Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
10Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
11Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
12Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
13Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
14Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
15Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
16"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
17Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
0Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
1Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
2Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
3Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
4Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
0Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
1Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
0Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
0Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
1Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
2Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
0Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
1"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
2Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
3Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
4Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
5Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
6Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
7Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
8"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
9Seraphina, punk rock star!
0Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
1Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
2Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
0"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
1Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
2Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
3Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
4Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
5A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
6Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
7"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
8Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
0Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
1Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
2Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
3Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
4"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
5Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
6Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
7A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
8Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
9Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
10Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
11"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
12Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
13Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
14Seraphina, punk rock star!
15Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
16Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
17Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
0Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
1Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
2Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
3Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
4Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
5Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
6Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
7Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
8Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
9Seraphina, punk rock star!
10Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
11Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
12Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
13"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
14A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
15"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
16Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
17Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
0Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
1Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
2Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
3Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
4A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
5Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
6Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
7Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
8Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
9Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
10Seraphina, punk rock star!
11Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
12"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
13Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
14Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
15Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
16"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
17Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
0Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
1Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
2Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
3Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
4Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
5A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
6Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
7Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
8"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
9Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
10Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
11"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
12Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
13Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
14Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
0Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
1Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
2"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
0Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
1A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
0Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
1Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
2Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
3A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
4Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
5Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
6"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
7Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
8Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
9Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
10Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
11Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
12Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
0Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
1Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
2Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
3Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
4A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
0Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
1Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
2Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
3Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
4Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
5Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
6Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
7"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
8Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
9Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
10"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
11Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
12A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
13Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
14Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
15Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
16Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
17Seraphina, punk rock star!
0Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
1"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
2Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
3A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
4Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
5Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
6Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
0Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
1"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
0Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
1"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
2Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
3A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
0"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
0Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
0Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
1Seraphina, punk rock star!
2Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
3Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
4Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
5Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
6"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
7Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
8Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
9Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
10"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
11Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
0Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
1Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
2Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
3Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
4Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
5Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
0Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
1Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
2Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
3Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
4Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
5Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
6Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
7A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
0Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
1Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
2Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
0Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
1Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
2Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
3A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
4Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
5"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
6Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
7Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
8Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
9Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
10"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
11Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
12Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
13Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
14Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
15Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
16Seraphina, punk rock star!
17Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
0Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
1Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
2A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
3Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
4Seraphina, punk rock star!
5Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
6Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
7Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
0Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
1Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
2Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
3A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
4Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
5"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
6Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
7"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
8Seraphina, punk rock star!
9Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
0Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
1Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
2A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
3Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
4Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
5Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
6Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
7Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
8Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
9Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
10"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
0Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
1"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
2Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
3Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
4Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
5Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
6Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
7Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
8Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
9Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
0"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
1Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
2"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
3Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
0Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
1Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
2Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
3Seraphina, punk rock star!
4Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
5Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
6Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
0Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
1A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
2Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
3Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
4Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
5Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
6Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
0Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
0Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
1Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
2Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
3Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
4A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
5Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
6Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
7Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
8Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
9Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
10Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
11Seraphina, punk rock star!
12"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
13Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
14Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
15Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
16"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
17Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
0Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
1Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
2Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
3Seraphina, punk rock star!
4Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
5Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
0Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
1Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
2Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
0Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
1A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
2Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
0Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
1Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
2Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
3"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
0A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
1Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
2Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
3Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
0Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
1Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
2Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
3Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
4Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
5"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
6Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
7Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
8Seraphina, punk rock star!
9Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
10Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
11"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
12Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
13Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
14Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
15A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
16Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
17Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
0Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
1Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
2"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
0Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
1Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
0Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
1"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
2Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
3Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
0Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
1Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
2A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
3Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
4"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
5Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
0Seraphina, punk rock star!
1Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
2"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
3Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
4Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
0A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
1Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
0Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
1Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
2Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
3"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
4Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
5Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
6"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
7Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
0A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
1Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
2"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
0Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
1Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
2Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
3"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
4Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
5Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
6"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
7Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
8Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
9Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
10Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
11Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
12Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
13A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
14Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
15Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
0Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
1Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
2Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
3Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
4Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
5Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
6Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
7Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
8Seraphina, punk rock star!
9"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
10"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
0Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
1Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
2Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
3"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
0Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
1Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
2Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
3"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
4Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
5Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
6A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
7Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
8Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
9"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
10Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
0Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
1Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
2Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
3Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
0"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
1Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
2Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
3Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
4Seraphina, punk rock star!
0Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
1Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
0Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
1Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
2Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
3Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
4Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
0Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
1Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
2Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
3Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
4Seraphina, punk rock star!
5Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
0Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
1Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
2Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
3Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
4Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
5Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
6Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
7Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
8Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
9Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
10"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
11Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
0Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
1Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
2Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
3Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
4A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
5Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
6"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
7Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
8Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
9Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
10Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
11Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
12Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
13Seraphina, punk rock star!
14"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
15Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
16Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
0Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
1Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
2Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
3Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
4Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
0A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
1Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
2Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
3Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
4Seraphina, punk rock star!
0Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
1Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
2Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
3"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
4Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
0Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
1Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
2Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
3"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
4Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
5Seraphina, punk rock star!
6Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
7Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
8Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
9Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
10A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
11Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
12"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
13Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
14Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
15Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
16Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
17Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
0Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
1Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
2Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
0Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
1A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
2Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
3Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
0Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
1Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
2Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
3Seraphina, punk rock star!
0Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
1Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
2Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
0A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
1Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
2Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
0Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
1"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
2Seraphina, punk rock star!
3Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
4Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
5Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
6Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
7Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
8Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
9Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
10"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
11Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
12Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
13Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
14Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
15Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
16A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
17Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
0A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
1Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
2Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
0A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
1Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
2Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
0Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
1Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
2Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
3Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
4Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
5"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
0Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
0Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
1Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
2Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
3Seraphina, punk rock star!
4Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
5A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
6Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
7"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
8Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
9Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
10Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
11Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
12Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
13Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
14Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
15"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
16Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
17Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
0Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
1Seraphina, punk rock star!
2Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
3"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
4Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
5"Human" Raine and Zen explore a haunted mansion in the middle of the night.
6Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
7Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
8Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
9Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
10Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
0Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
1Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
2Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
0Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
1Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
2Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
0Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
1Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
2Costume Contest: Raine Solo and ZenBacca
3Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
4Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
5"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
0Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
1Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
2Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
3Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
4"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
5Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
0Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
1Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
2Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
3Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
0Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
1Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
0Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
1Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
2Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
3Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
4Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
0Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
1"Team A Cosplay." Trace dressed as Red, Natani dressed as Sythe, and Keith dressed like Alaric.
2Crew as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clovis dressed as killer rabbit. RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!
3Flora and Trace dressed up as Pokemon trainers & Keith and Natani dressed as pokemon for a battle
4Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
5Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
0Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
0Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
1Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
0Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
1Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
0Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
1Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
2Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
0Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
0Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
1Trace, Kieth, Natani, Flora, Kat, and Eric playing strip poker.
0Seraphina, punk rock star!
1Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
0A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
0Natani Dakimakura (Body Pillow)
1Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
2A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
0Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
1A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
2Raine and Kat making voodoo dolls of their respective love interests...so they CANT ESCAPE.
3Devilish Keith (opposite to Angelic Laura)
4Fluffy winter Coats! Flora and Tiger Trace!
0Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
1A body style line up similar to this one of King Adelaide, Adira, and Raine
2Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
3Seraphina, punk rock star!
4Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
5Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
6Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.
0Raine as Galadriel, doing the "All shall love me and despair" bit.
1Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting.
2Amaterasu Raine (Ōkami)
3Natani as Wonder Woman fighting a keidran-version of Cheetah
4Wrinry finally convinced to wear cloths to disastrous results.