2017-11-12 23:17:14 Round 3 [Quality of methods: SC = 18%; TP = 14%; Cg = 16%; 122 ballots, 5 minutes]
12181Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
14110Laura pin-up
11224Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
13339Natani learns to speak human.
94623Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
151222Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
861025Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
37418Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
108520Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
291128Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
410723Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
7111327The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
6121527A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
013929Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
5141444Saria playhouse with little Flora.


0Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
1A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
0Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
1Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
2A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
3Laura pin-up
4Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
5Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
6Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
7Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
0Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
1Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
0Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
1Natani learns to speak human.
2Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
3Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
4Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
5Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
1Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
2Laura pin-up
3Saria playhouse with little Flora.
4The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
5Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
6Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
7Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
8Natani learns to speak human.
9A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
10Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
11Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
12Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
13Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
14Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
0Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
1Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
2Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
0Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
1Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
2Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
3Natani learns to speak human.
4The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
5Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
0Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
1A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
0Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
1Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
2Laura pin-up
3Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
0Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
1Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
2Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
3Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
4Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
5Saria playhouse with little Flora.
0Laura pin-up
1The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
0Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
1Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
2Laura pin-up
3Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
4Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
5Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
6A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
7Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
8Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
9The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
10Natani learns to speak human.
11Saria playhouse with little Flora.
0Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
1Saria playhouse with little Flora.
2Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
3Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
4Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
5Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
6The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
7Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
8Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
9Natani learns to speak human.
10Laura pin-up
11Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
12A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
13Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
14Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
0Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
1Laura pin-up
2Saria playhouse with little Flora.
3Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
4Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
5Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
6Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
7Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
8Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
9Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
10Natani learns to speak human.
11Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
0Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
1The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
2Natani learns to speak human.
3Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
0Laura pin-up
1Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
2The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
3Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
4Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
5Saria playhouse with little Flora.
6Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
7Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
8Natani learns to speak human.
9Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
10Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
11Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
0Laura pin-up
1Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
2Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
3Saria playhouse with little Flora.
4Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
5The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
0The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
1Laura pin-up
2Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
3Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
4A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
5Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
6Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
7Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
8Natani learns to speak human.
9Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
10Saria playhouse with little Flora.
11Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
12Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
13Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
14Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
0Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
1Saria playhouse with little Flora.
2Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
3Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
0Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
1Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
0Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
1The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
2Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
3Natani learns to speak human.
4Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
5Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
6Laura pin-up
7A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
8Saria playhouse with little Flora.
9Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
10Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
11Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
12Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
13Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
14Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
0A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
1Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
2Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
3Saria playhouse with little Flora.
4Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
0Laura pin-up
1Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
0Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
1Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
2Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
3Laura pin-up
4Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
5Saria playhouse with little Flora.
6Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
7The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
0Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
1Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
2Saria playhouse with little Flora.
3Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
4Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
5Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
0Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
1Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
2Natani learns to speak human.
0Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
1A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
0Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
1Laura pin-up
2Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
3Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
4The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
5Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
6Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
7Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
0The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
1Natani learns to speak human.
2Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
3Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
4A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
5Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
6Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
7Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
8Laura pin-up
9Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
10Saria playhouse with little Flora.
11Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
12Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
13Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
14Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
0Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
1The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
2Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
3Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
4Natani learns to speak human.
5Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
6Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
7Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
8Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
0Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
1Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
2Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
3Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
4Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
5Laura pin-up
0Laura pin-up
1Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
2Natani learns to speak human.
3A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
4Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
5Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
6The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
0Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
1A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
2Natani learns to speak human.
3The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
4Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
0Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
1Laura pin-up
2Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
3Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
4Natani learns to speak human.
5Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
6Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
7Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
8Saria playhouse with little Flora.
9Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
10The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
0Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
1Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
2Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
3Natani learns to speak human.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
1Laura pin-up
2A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
3Natani learns to speak human.
0Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
1Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
2Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
3The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
4Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
5Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
6Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
7Natani learns to speak human.
8A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
9Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
10Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
11Saria playhouse with little Flora.
12Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
13Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
14Laura pin-up
0Natani learns to speak human.
1The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
2Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
3Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
4Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
5Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
6A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
7Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
8Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
9Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
10Saria playhouse with little Flora.
11Laura pin-up
0Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
1A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
2Natani learns to speak human.
0Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
1Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
2Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
3Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
4Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
5Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
0Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
0Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
1Laura pin-up
2Saria playhouse with little Flora.
3Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
4Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
5Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
6Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
0Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
1Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
2Laura pin-up
0Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
1Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
2A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
3Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
4Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
5Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
6Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
7Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
8Laura pin-up
9Natani learns to speak human.
10The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
11Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
12Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
13Saria playhouse with little Flora.
14Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
0Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
1Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
2Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
0Laura pin-up
1Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
2Natani learns to speak human.
3Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
4Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
5Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
6Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
7Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
8Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
9Saria playhouse with little Flora.
10Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
11The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
12Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
13Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
14A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
0Natani learns to speak human.
1Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
2Laura pin-up
3Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
4Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
5Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
0Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
1Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
2Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
3Natani learns to speak human.
4Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
5Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
0Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
1Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
2Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
3The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
4Laura pin-up
5Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
6Natani learns to speak human.
7Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
8Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
9Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
10Saria playhouse with little Flora.
11Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
12A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
13Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
14Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
1Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
2Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
0Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
1Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
2Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
3Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
4Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
5Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
6Natani learns to speak human.
7Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
8Saria playhouse with little Flora.
9Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
10Laura pin-up
11Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
12The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
13Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
14A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
0Laura pin-up
1Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
2Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
3Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
4Saria playhouse with little Flora.
5Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
6A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
7Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
8Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
9Natani learns to speak human.
10Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
11The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
12Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
13Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
14Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
0Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
1The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
2Natani learns to speak human.
3Laura pin-up
0Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
1Saria playhouse with little Flora.
2Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
3Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
4The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
5Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
1Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
2Natani learns to speak human.
3Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
4Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
5A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
6Laura pin-up
0Natani learns to speak human.
1Laura pin-up
2Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
3Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
4Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
5A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
6Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
7Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
8Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
9Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
10Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
11Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
0The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
1Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
2A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
3Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
4Laura pin-up
0Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
1Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
2Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
3Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
4Saria playhouse with little Flora.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
1Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
2Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
3Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
4Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
5Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
6Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
0Natani learns to speak human.
1Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
2Laura pin-up
3Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
4Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
5Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
6Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
7Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
8Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
9Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
0Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
1Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
2The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
3Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
4Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
5Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
6Laura pin-up
7Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
8Natani learns to speak human.
0Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
1Laura pin-up
0Laura pin-up
1Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
2Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
3Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
4Saria playhouse with little Flora.
5Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
6Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
7Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
8Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
9A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
10Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
11Natani learns to speak human.
12Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
13Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
14The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
0Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
1A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
2Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
3Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
0Laura pin-up
1Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
2Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
3Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
4Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
5Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
6Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
7Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
8Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
9Saria playhouse with little Flora.
10Natani learns to speak human.
11Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
12Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
13A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
14The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
0Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
1Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
2Laura pin-up
3Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
4A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
1Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
2Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
3Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
4Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
5Laura pin-up
0Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
1Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
2Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
3Laura pin-up
0Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
1A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
2Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
0Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
1Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
2Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
3Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
0Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
1Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
2Natani learns to speak human.
3Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
4A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
0Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
1The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
2Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
3Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
4Laura pin-up
5Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
6A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
7Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
8Natani learns to speak human.
0Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
0Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
1Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
2Saria playhouse with little Flora.
3Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
4Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
5Laura pin-up
6Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
7Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
8Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
9A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
10The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
11Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
12Natani learns to speak human.
13Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
14Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
1Laura pin-up
2Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
3The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
4Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
5Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
6Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
7Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
8Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
9Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
10A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
0Natani learns to speak human.
1Laura pin-up
2Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
0Natani learns to speak human.
1Saria playhouse with little Flora.
2Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
3Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
0Laura pin-up
1Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
2Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
3A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
0Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
1Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
2Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
3Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
4Natani learns to speak human.
5Laura pin-up
6The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
0Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
1Laura pin-up
0Natani learns to speak human.
1Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
2Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
3Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
0Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
1Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
2Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
3Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
4Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
5Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
6The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
7Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
8A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
9Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
10Saria playhouse with little Flora.
11Natani learns to speak human.
12Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
0Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
1Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
0Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
1Natani learns to speak human.
2Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
0Saria playhouse with little Flora.
1Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
2Laura pin-up
0Natani learns to speak human.
1A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
2Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
3Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
4Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
5Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
6Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
7The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
8Laura pin-up
9Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
10Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
11Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
12Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
13Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
14Saria playhouse with little Flora.
0Natani learns to speak human.
1Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
2Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
3A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
4Laura pin-up
5Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
6Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
7Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
8Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
9Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
10The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
11Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
12Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
13Saria playhouse with little Flora.
14Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
0Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
1Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
2Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
3Saria playhouse with little Flora.
4Natani learns to speak human.
5Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
6Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
0Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
1Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
2Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
3Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
4Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
0Natani learns to speak human.
1Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
2Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
3Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
4Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
5Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
6Laura pin-up
7Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
0Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
1Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
2Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
3Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
4Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
5Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
6A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
7Saria playhouse with little Flora.
8Natani learns to speak human.
9Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
0Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
1Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
2Natani learns to speak human.
3A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
4Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
5Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
0Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
1Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
0Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
1Saria playhouse with little Flora.
2A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
3Natani learns to speak human.
4Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
5Laura pin-up
6Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
7Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
0Laura pin-up
1Natani learns to speak human.
2A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
3Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
4Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
5Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
6Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
7Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
0Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
1Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
2A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
3Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
4Laura pin-up
5Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
0Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
1Saria playhouse with little Flora.
2Natani learns to speak human.
3Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
0Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
1Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
2Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
3Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
4Natani learns to speak human.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
1Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
2Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
3Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
4Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
5A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
6The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
7Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
8Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
9Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
10Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
11Saria playhouse with little Flora.
12Natani learns to speak human.
13Laura pin-up
14Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
0Natani learns to speak human.
1Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
2Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
3Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
4Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
5Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
6Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
0Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
1The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
2Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
3Natani learns to speak human.
4A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
5Laura pin-up
6Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
7Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
0The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
1Natani learns to speak human.
2A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
0Laura pin-up
1Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
0Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
1Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
2Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
3Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
0Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
1Laura pin-up
2Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
3Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
4Saria playhouse with little Flora.
5Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
6The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
7Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
0Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
1Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
1Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
2Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
0Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
1Laura pin-up
2Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
3Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
4The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
5Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
6Natani learns to speak human.
7Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
8Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
9A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.
10Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
11Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
12Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
13Saria playhouse with little Flora.
14Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
0Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
1Laura pin-up
0Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
0Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
0Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
1Natani learns to speak human.
2Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
3Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
4Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
0Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
1Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
2Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
3Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
4Natani learns to speak human.
5Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
6Saria playhouse with little Flora.
7Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
8The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
9Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
10Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
0Kat receiving headpats from the viewer
1Maddie as a 'Were-Squirrel' after getting bitten by Mrs. Nibbly.
2Laura pin-up
3Natani acts like a dog out a car window in Reni's satchal, while Keith laughs.
4Laura bringing Keith home for the first time and trying to explain everything to her parents
5Baby Kathrin, held by younger Eric.
6Natani learns to speak human.
7Young Flora looking up at the lights of Legacy Estate at night, wondering who lives up there.
8Flora teaches Trace more Keidran
9Karen and Maren, a not so normal day in the tavern. Because Lizardfolk Cleric happened/walks in.
10Saria's ghost returns to gossip with Flora about Trace
11Sequence of Clovis becoming more curvy and more feminine, while trying to hide it.
12The main cast and maybe some extras all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving.
13Saria playhouse with little Flora.
14A wolf assassin practicing Wolfen swordsmanship.